Wednesday 26 July 2017

Through The Porthole - The Engine Room - June 16, 2017

I took pictures all through the engine room of Polar Prince, presented here mostly without captions or commentary because I don't know enough about the subject. Just the same, I hope you enjoy!

Just a couple of Dartmouth girls hanging out! Photo by Martin Lipman
This is me and Carole. Carole is from Dartmouth, and believe it or not we didn't know each other before we were each selected to join Leg 2 of Canada C3. Carole is a newly retired dental hygienist. She is warm and fun and funny. The life of the party! We got on like a house on fire. Lucky for me, Carole knew someone else on the ship, also from Dartmouth. One of Polar Prince's engineers, Terry, had been a patient of Carole's, and he offered to take her on a tour of the engine room one morning before breakfast. I happened to be walking by at just the right moment, and poof! Like magic, the invitation was extended to me too.  The tour started right then, right there. I happened to be getting out of the shower, heading back to my cabin... hence the towel on my head.

Terry and me.

This big wheel is for manual steering and rarely gets used. There are several places on the ship where she can be steered, all of them back-ups should the main steering in the bridge fail.

After a photo op with the big wheel, I ran back to my cabin and ditched the towel, and the tour continued.  First stop... mission control.
Commissioner Gordon, manning the controls. He has a direct line to Batman.

Jaunty 1960s Batman angle.

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